Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This Smocks of Boredom

Today i went into a clean room.  I had to wear a hair net, booties, an orange onesy, safety goggles, mask for the mouth, and two sets of gloves.

Some good things about bunny suiting up:

  • You can yawn as many times as you want.
  • You can make the most ridiculous faces at people, continuously, and they will never know.
Some bad things about bunny suiting up:

  • Your goggles fog up with moisture and you can't see poo.
  • Everyone around can make the most ridiculous faces at you, continuously, and you will never know.
One of these...
looks like me.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Post #1

Blogs.  Why not?  But then again, why?  I suppose it's like a journal that you would write to yourself.  Except that you no longer have control of your audience.  An audience of one makes for easy filtering.  An audience of "the Internet" makes for another level of self-imposed security control.  Is life getting more complicated with different ways to provide immediate access of ourselves to the public and different associated security levels?  With so much personal content out there, is it getting near impossible to manage your image?  Is this picture just for my friends?  Is my family reading this note?  Is this being shared with the world at large?  How much energy do we spend on ensuring certain people do NOT receive the data we put out there for others?

I always had a hard time understanding why people would be interested in reading about my life.  What would the world do if every single person had a blog?  Would the term "catching up" with someone become removed for society?  Or would "catching up" mean reading that person's blog?  No more "So what have you been up to?"  No more, "How have you been?  What's new in your life?".  But rather, "Hey Larry. Sucks about your dog Tweezers (the dog i never even met because we haven't seen each other in years), but i totally would have had him stuffed too.  It's a shame there won't be anymore videos about canine trampoline tricks."

I wrote a blog for a while.  It was more like a journal.  Much to my surprise, some people even read it.  It seemed like there were things to talk about back then.  Let's see what happens with this attempt.
Go Doggy! (click here)